Let's Begin Your Tantric Transformation!

Would you like to access all the power that lies within you? Tantra provides many keys to doing so and one of them is through sacred sexuality.

Inspired by my own deep journey on the Tantric path, I look forward to sharing with you the teachings that have created radical shifts in my way of being in the world - a way that supports greater pleasure, expansion and overall joy!

Part One: Attunement

Tantric Love Principles Masterclass

Parting the Veils: The Magical Realm of Tantra

Practice: Present Moment Awareness

Part Two: Accessing Love

Purify Into Freedom:

Refining Your Divine Instrument

Practice: Journey from Fear to Faith

Mystical Eroticism:

Tantric Expression and Vision

Practice: Sensual Presence

Part Three: Divine Union

Tantra Yoga: Self Mastery Technique

Practice: Raising the Kundalini

Transfiguration: Divine Embodiment

Practice: Activate and Circulate

BONUS: Shiva Shakti Activation

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